Surgery Form Personal Info Legal Name Date of birth Place of birth Would you like us to contact you via phone (Yes/No) YESNO Phone Height/Weight (Lbs) BMI What is your favorite song? Interest & Medical Conditions Are your immunizations up to date? YESNO What surgery are you interested in? What medical conditions have you been diagnosed with? List your prescribed medications and your dose (including birth control and/or hormonal creams/pills/supplements): Allergies to medications: Please provide any and all other pertinent medical information Surgeries (Year & Reason): Have you ever had a blood transfusion? (Yes/No) YESNO Have you ever been diagnosed with anemia or any blood-related disease? Women Only Age at onset of menstruation: Date of last menstruation: Period every ___ days: Heavy periods, irregularity, spotting, pain, or discharge?: Number of pregnancies and Number of live births: Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? (Yes/No) YESNO Did you give birth during the last 12 months? (Yes/No) YESNO Men Only Do you usually get up to urinate during the night? YESNO If yes, # of times: Do you feel burning discharge from penis? (Yes/No) YESNO